Managing Committee

The Board of SSAI is composed of representatives from basic and clinical sciences as well as practitioners.
According to our by laws the President of SSAI is re-elected every two years by the General Meeting. In order to ensure continuity over a longer period of time, the future and the last president are also part of the committee.

Camillo Ribi - SSAI President
Prof. Dr. med.
Camillo Ribi
Service d'immunologie et allergie
Rue du Bugnon 46
1011 Lausanne
+ 41 21 314 08 02
Greta Guarda - SSAI President elect
Greta Guarda
Institute for Research in Biomedicine
Group Leader Immune Mechanisms
Via Francesco Chiesa 5
6500 Bellinzona
+41 58 666 7227

Christian Münz - SSAI President Past
Christian Münz
University of Zürich
Institute of Experimental Immunology
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zürich
+41 44 635 37 01
Thomas M. Hauser
Thomas M. Hauser
IZZ Immuonologie-Zentrum Zürich
Walchestrasse 11
8006 Zürich
+41 44 434 10 00
Daniel E. Speiser
Daniel E. Speiser
University of Lausanne
Department of Oncology
Biopole 3 / SE-D
Ch. des Boveresses 155
1066 Epalinges
+41 21 314 01 82
Luca Bernasconi
Luca Bernasconi
Kantonsspital Aarau
Institut für Labormedizin Abteilung medizinische Immunologie
Tellstrasse 25
5001 Aarau
+41 62 838 52 15
Martin Bachmann
Martin Bachmann
Universitätsklinik RIA
Fachbereich Immunologie
Sahlihaus 1
3010 Bern
Peter Jandus
Peter Jandus
Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
Service d'Immunologie et Allergologie
Département de Médecine
Rue Gabrielle Perret-Gentil 4
1211 Genève 14
+41 22 372 93 82
Daniel Legler
Daniel Legler
Biotechnology Institute Thurgau (BITg)
Institut für Immunbiologie
Unterseestrasse 47
8280 Kreuzlingen
+41 71 678 50 20
Mike Recher
Mike Recher
University Hospital Basel
Allergologische Poliklinik
Petersgraben 4
4057 Basel
+41 61 328 67 76
Federica Sallusto
Federica Sallusto
Istituto di Ricerca in Biomedicina
Group Leader Cellular Immunology
Via Francesco Chiesa 5
6500 Bellinzona
+41 91 820 03 15
Kathrin Scherer Hofmeier
PD Dr.
Kathrin Scherer Hofmeier
Marie-Charlotte Brüggen
Prof. Dr. med.
Marie-Charlotte Brüggen
Universitätsspital Zürich
Dermatologische Klinik
Rämistrasse 100
8006 Zürich
+41 44 255 11 11
Annika Hausmann - SYIS Representativ
Annika Hausmann
University of Copenhagen
EMBO Fellow | Jensen Lab
reNEW – Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine
Panum 6-5-16 Nørre Alle 14
2200 Copenhagen
+41 44 632 44 37