Commission of the Clinical Speciality (CCS)

The Commission of the Clinical Specialty CCS represents the professional interests of doctors specialising in allergy and clinical immunology of the FMH as well as the candidates for this title.

In this context, the CCS performs the functions of a "medical specialist" within the meaning of the definition of the medical chamber of the FMH, which were transferred to the SSAI in allergology and immunology on account of the practical medical activity carried out by some of its members. The CCS represents the practicing medical members of the SGAI against the FMH, the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG), the Federal Social Insurance Office (BSV), the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, Swissmedic and other authorities regulating medical practice.

The CCS is in particular responsible for further training (including examinations), using the Subcommission on Postgraduate and Continuind Education (SPCE) and the Subcommission on Exams  (SE).

The CCS also takes care of the quality assurance of medical activities in allergology and immunology as well as the tariffs.

The CCS deals with the problems of the professional policy, which concerns the specialist area and in the wider sense the medical profession. It employs the Subcommission of Professional Policy SPP.

The CCS also supervises the quality assurance according to the FMH regulations, for which the subcommission on Quality Managment (SQM) was established.

The CCS is also interested in the problems of immunological laboratory diagnostics, which are the responsibility of the Commission on Laboratory Diagnostics (CLD) of SSAI.

Kathrin Scherer Hofmeier - CCS President
PD Dr.
Kathrin Scherer Hofmeier

Peter Jandus - CCS President Elect
Peter Jandus
Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève HUG
Service d'Immunologie et Allergologie
Département de Médecine
Rue Gabrielle Perret-Gentil 4
1211 Genève 14
+41 22 372 93 82
Mike Recher
Mike Recher
University Hospital Basel
Allergologische Poliklinik
Petersgraben 4
4031 Basel
+41 61 556 52 97
Onur Boyman
Prof. Dr.
Onur Boyman
University of Zurich
Full Professor and Director
Center for Human Immunology (CHI)
Häldeliweg 4
8044 Zürich
Lionel Arlettaz
Dr. med.
Lionel Arlettaz
Institut central des hôpitaux Valaisan
Av. Grand_Champsec 86
1951 Sion
+41 27 603 47 85
Barbara Ballmer-Weber
Barbara Ballmer-Weber
Kantonsspital St.Gallen
Fachbereich Allergologie
Rorschacher Strasse 95
9007 St. Gallen
+41 71 494 19 95
Karin Hartmann
Prof. Dr. med.
Karin Hartmann
Universitätsspital Basel
Allergologie und Dermatologie
Petersgraben 4
4031 Basel
Thomas Hauser
Thomas Hauser
IZZ Immunologie-Zentrum Zürich
Walchestrasse 11
8006 Zürich
+41 44 434 10 00
Lukas Jörg
Lukas Jörg
Inselspital Bern
Universitätsklinik für Rheumatologie
Immunologie und Allergologei
3010 Bern
+41 31 632 22 69
Camillo Ribi
Dr. med.
Camillo Ribi
Service d'immunologie et allergie
Rue du Bugnon 46
1011 Lausanne
+41 21 314 07 89
Marie-Charlotte Brüggen
Prof. Dr. med. PhD
Marie-Charlotte Brüggen
Universitätsspital Zürich
Leitende Ärztin Allergologie
Dermatologische Klinik, Allergiestation
Rämistrasse 100
8091 Zürich
+41 43 253 25 65
Johannes Trück
Dr. med.
Johannes Trück
Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich
Steinwiesstrasse 75
8032 Zürich
Christophe Weilenmann - SSAI Tariff delegate
Christophe Weilenmann
Rue Gustave Amweg 21
2900 Porrentruy
+41 32 466 51 51

SSAI Annual Congress 2025

Jahreskongress 2025 v2

Registration is now open!

SSAI Annual Congress 2025
August 28-29, 2025
Beaulieu Lausanne

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Sanofi Innovation Award 2025:
Novel Approaches in Type 2 Inflammation
With this award, Sanofi supports residents and senior physicians who are clinically active in allergology/clinical immunology in Switzerland and whose translational scientific work deals with the topic of type 2 inflammation and related diseases.The award is endowed with CHF 15’000 and is intended for the execution of a scientific project.

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AIU2026 SaveTheDate quer v2


The AIU 2026 will be held from Friday, January 23rd (noon) to Saturday, January 24th (evening).

More information will follow.